Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Green Wedding DIYs

Hey! This is my third (and last, I promise) post for the wedding craft contest, hosted by and sponsored by Dollar Tree! I've never felt so inspired as I have the past week or two when I first found out about this contest! This post's theme is green! Green weddings have been very popular lately, so I'm sticking with that theme! I have two crafts that are very similar, both inexpensive and both use moss!

Flower Girl Basket


  • moss, found at the dollar tree or your backyard
  • a basket, I got mine at the dollar tree
  • fabric (for the handle)
  • tissue paper blossoms or other flowers or decorations
  • hot glue

1) Glue moss to the outside of a basket. Very simple, but kind of tedious. Once the moss is all glued on, you can start gluing other decorations. I used tissue paper blossoms, but you can use whatever you think goes well with your wedding decor.
2) Next, cut three strips of fabric. The length depends on how long you want the handle, and the width depends on how thick you want the braid. After you determine your size, tie the end of each piece to the basket handle if it has one, or you can probably glue it to the inside of the basket. Begin braiding the pieces together, and when you reach the end, tie or glue it off. If you tied them, trim the edges so it looks nice. And voila, you have a flower girl basket!

Mossy Wall Art

  • moss
  • styrofoam sheet, any size you want
  • ribbon to cover the edge of foam
  • tissue paper blossoms or other decorations
  • hot glue
*Make sure the glue gun is set to a low temp so it doesn't melt they foam


  1. As you did with the basket, begin gluing moss to they styrofoam, making sure it look really full. You don't really want the styrofoam to show through. Once done, glue on your other decorations if desired.
  2. Next, glue the ribbon around the edge of the styrofoam to hide the foam. Glue the edges of the ribbon down to the back. This art is very light, so you can use the wall gummy stuff to hang on the wall.
There you have it! Two more crafts to help plan a wedding! I hope you enjoyed! 

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